The number of drinks you can have before it has mechanical effects are 2 + your Constitution modifier. If you're kind of a weakling and have a negative modifier, well, guess what, you can't hold shit. If you're a dwarf, half-orc or barbarian of any race, that two drinks is now four. You can make a Constitution save against poison to stop the effects of alcohol, but each drink after you start making saves makes for an additional -2 to the save.
First drink: -1 to Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity. +1 to Strength, Constitution and Charisma. Arguably positive.
Second drink: -2 to Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity. +2 to Strength, Constitution and +1 to Charisma. Worthwhile tradeoff for some.
Third Drink: -3 to Int, Wis, Dex. +2 to Str, Con. 20% chance of confusion as spell effect.
Fourth Drink: -4 to Int, Wis, Dex. +2 to Str, Con. 40% chance of confusion as spell effect.
Fifth Drink: -5 to Int, Wis, Dex. +2 to Str, Con. 40% chance of confusion as spell effect. Con save to avoid passing out.
Sixth Drink: -5 to Int, Wis, Dex. +1 to Str, Con. 40% chance of confusion as spell effect. Con save at -2 to avoid passing out.
Subsequent Drinks: Str and Con go to +0. Penalty to saves to avoid passing out increase by -2. After the ninth drink, people who pass out must make a Con save against death. Every subsequent drink inflicts a -2 penalty to that save.
Dying in your own puke might not be very heroic, but it is pretty metal. Ask Bon Scott.
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